The Faculty of Computer Science of TU Dresden elected Ivo Sbalzarini as its new Dean
Researchers have found where and how mRNA arrives in a cell to modify or deliver genetic information, a crucial process for the development of novel…
Max Planck researchers measure femtoNewton forces with light-induced flows
Dresden and Munich researchers create compelling scenario for the evolution of membraneless microdroplets on Early Earth as the origin of life.
Two MPI-CBG researchers and 70 Max Planck researchers are amongst 6,600 international researchers on the "Global Highly Cited Researchers" list…
Recognition of outstanding individual achievements for the benefit of the TU Dresden
Temperature controls formation and dissolution of membraneless droplets in the roundworm C.elegans.
5th Dresden “Gastmahl für alle” with MPI-CBG participation
CASUS partner, including MPI-CBG, sign cooperation agreements at Open House event
Dresden and Cambridge researchers identify cell type that regulates liver regeneration with touch.
Researchers from Dresden uncover microstructural elements in liver cells that might aid early detection of disease
Otger Campàs appointed as Chair for Tissue Dynamics at the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life at TU Dresden, hosted at MPI-CBG
Dresden researchers find that proteins can work together to generate forces that bring DNA together.
Dresden cell biologist elected to the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences
MPI-CBG part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) initiative
Celebrating the life and science of Prof. Suzanne Eaton
MPI-CBG a first signing member of the initiative of the DFG and "Tierversuche verstehen" for open communication about animals in research.
Discover exciting biochemistry and miniature organ models
International workshop on unravelling the organization of life.
A gene, found only in humans, leads to a larger brain, increased memory flexibility and reduced anxiety in mice.
Dresden researchers discover that a mechanical cue is at the origin of cell death decision.
New research group leader reconstructs mammalian development in a dish to understand how embryos build themselves.
New research group leader joins the MPI-CBG
Dresden and Copenhagen researchers establish human pancreas culture system.
Dresden researchers discover how a protein creates the rotatory forces essential for animal development.
MPI-CBG PhD student in first place in world’s leading science communication competition
16 new high-quality reference genomes from vertebrates are published, advancing comparative biology, conservation, and health research
MPI-CBG director becomes International Honorary Member of one of the oldest learned societies in the United States.
Award of the Max Planck Society for gifted young researchers
New algorithm automatically learns physically correct models from measurement data