Max Planck Day at the New Dresden City Hall
Max Planck Society supports projects for high quality reference genomes
Highest award of the Free State of Saxony for the successful development of Dresden as a location for science
MPI-CBG as “Place of Togetherness” presented air-acrobatic performance
Anne Grapin-Botton enriches the Dresden science community with her research on miniature organs
10th Anniversary of the Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference in Dresden
Introducing the Light Sheet Microscopy paradigm to a new generation of scientists
Students Explore Computer Simulation in Systems Biology
3D analysis of retinal tissue shows how to keep shape during organ growth
Dresden researchers discover molecular mechanism underlying human neocortex folding
Award for outstanding achievement in computer science
Volkswagen Foundation grants research project on the beginning of life
Grant from Volkswagen Foundation for interdisciplinary project
Deciphering the protein sequence-encoded mechanism that drives phase separation
Molecular vestiges resolve the controversial evolution of the testicular position in mammals
A fun summer night, loaded with science
Second #DaisLearnathon2018 at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden
FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE award for Anne Wuttke
New microscopy technique paves the way to visualize the molecular ultra-structure of cells
Participation in Seniorenakademie and Girls’ Day
High RNA concentration maintains RNA-binding proteins in solution and prevents pathological aggregates
Revealing the cell lineage of developing organs with a newly developed open-source software
Award for outstanding scientific achievements
Kick-off for new Master’s program in “Computational Modeling and Simulation”
Dresden Summer School in Systems Biology
First of its kind facility in Germany provides access to most recent imaging technologies before you can buy them
Large-scale analysis of gene losses sheds light on the evolution of mammalian features
HFSP Program Grant for Alf Honigmann
Novel molecular mechanism underlying the delamination of neural progenitor cells identified
An unexpected link between a gene mutated in ALS and a new mechanism to protect cells from oxidative stress.