Max Planck Society 2021 Yearbook Highlights

Research of MPI-CBG director Meritxell Huch featured in the Yearbook Highlights

Each year, the Max Planck Society submits a scientific research report in the form of a yearbook to give an account of the scientific research performed at its institutes to the public and its funding providers. The central questions addressed are: where do we stand, and where do we want to go? The Max Planck Institutes are asked to select a work or project from their scientific activities that is suitable for presentation in the yearbook. The yearbook contributions of all Max Planck Institutes are published on the website.

For a printed collection, 15 articles were selected and edited in a journalistic manner, which seemed particularly suited for publication from a science communication perspective and especially interesting for non-experts. MPI-CBG director Meritxell Huch is featured in this printed 2021 Yearbook Highlights collection with her research on liver organoids, published in Cell Stem Cell. Her chapter “Contacts in the liver” is highlight number 10 on page 28.

The highlights of the 2021 Yearbook shine a spotlight, amongst others, on the extent to which computer technologies have found their way into research; swarming phagocytes; contacts in the liver; virtual fusion plants; and the surprising history of our oral bacteria – just to name a few.

2021 Yearbook Highlights
MPI-CBG press release on the study in Cell Stem Cell