We are innovative and inclusive

With the Dresden Model, the MPI-CBG Research Faculty has a unique structure: no departments, but a vibrant network of independent Research Group Leaders and a flat hierarchy throughout the faculty. We believe bringing top international scientists together in an environment that fosters open and transparent communication and collaboration leads to innovative research. In order to better integrate all staff into the daily life of the institute, “CBG Day” was created. It involves administration and all support staff together with the scientists.

We are training future leaders

120 students from more than 30 countries: The MPI-CBG offers one of Germany's largest and most successful PhD Programs integrates Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Our PhD students show tremendous passion for cross-disciplinary science and pursue new directions in research.

100 postdoctoral fellows in about 25 research labs, representing 20 different nationalities: The Postdoctoral Program of the Institute offers a yearly postdoc retreat, invited seminar speakers, career workshops and representation and participation in Faculty Meetings. 

We are sharing resources

A key feature of the MPI-CBG is its centralized state-of-the-art facilities with shared access to sophisticated and expensive technologies. The facilities are led by experts and shared by all researchers within the institute as well as across other institutes. We develop customized microscopes, new technologies, software analyses, and high-performance simulations. 


We are a family

The MPI-CBG offers childcare services, family- friendly policies, flexible work hours and social events. In 2012, we have been named the “Most Family-friendly Company in Dresden” for our efforts in helping working families balance the demands of career and home.

We are bridging scales

The MPI-CBG was among the first to institutionalize research at the interface between cell and developmental biology. From the very beginning, the driving question for research at MPI-CBG was how cells form tissues. Our research program spans multiple scales of magnitude, from molecular assemblies, to organelles, cells, tissues, organs and organisms. Biologists, chemists, theoretical physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists are working together and are creating a vibrant cross-disciplinary working environment.

We are part of a wide science network

The MPI-CBG is part of DRESDEN-concept, a research alliance using synergies in research, education, infrastructure, and administration. Together we are coordinating strategies to support Dresden’s leading areas and identifying new emerging scientific areas. We have close links to the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering of the TU Dresden and the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, who are both in close proximity to the Institute.