The Dresden Model

The MPI-CBG has a unique non-departmental structure in which the directors together with all other research group leaders (RGLs) are members of faculty. The principal values of our Dresden Model are that all RGLs are completely independent, there are no departments, directors share their resources and decide on them collectively, all RGLs are involved in selecting new RGLs, and there are centralized services and facilities.

The basic guidelines with regard to governance are that resources (money, personnel, and space) are decided upon collectively by the directors, while other decisions are made by the faculty. As much as is possible, the MPI- CBG strives to provide standard allocations of resources, including a standardized layout of laboratory space. This not only provides enormous cost effectiveness but also saves time and avoids wasted effort once optimal solutions have been identified.

Board of Directors

Managing Director: Anne Grapin-Botton
Stephan Grill, Heather Harrington, Meritxell Huch, Anthony Hyman, Marino Zerial


Head of Administration: Stefan Meier

Human Resources

Finance & Research Grants


Facility Management


Safety Office

Scientific Officer

Kathrin Brunk


Dean of Graduate Studies:

Meritxell Huch


Cassandra Visconti

Student Representatives

Postdoc Program


Kathrin Brunk

Postdoc Representatives