Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Boards are the main instrument used by the Max Planck Society for the regular evaluation of its research facilities. The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of internationally recognized scientists, and it functions as an external advisory committee regarding the scientific performance and administrative development of the Institute. The Scientific Advisory Board evaluates the work of the Institute every three years.

© The President and Fellows of Harvard College

Paola Arlotta

Paola Arlotta

Harvard University (USA)

© Allegra Boverman

Bonnie Berger

Bonnie Berger

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Colette Dehay

Colette Dehay

Stem Cell and Brains Research Institute (France)

© Manu Theobald

Erwin Frey

Erwin Frey

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)

© Gretchen Ertl

Yamuna Krishnan

Yamuna Krishnan

University of Chicago (USA)

Helen McNeill

Helen McNeill

Stanford University (USA)

Anant Menon

Anant Menon

Weill Cornel Medicine (USA)

© Steve Fisch Photography

Suzanne Pfeffer

Suzanne Pfeffer

Stanford University (USA)

Robert B. Phillips

Robert B. Phillips

Caltech Division of Biology and Biological Engineering (USA)

© Stanford University

Stephen Quake

Stephen Quake

Stanford University (USA)

© University of Geneva

Aurélien Roux

Aurélien Roux

University of Geneva (Switzerland)

James Sharpe

James Sharpe

EMBL Barcelona (Spain)

Jason R. Swedlow

Jason R. Swedlow

University of Dundee (United Kingdom)

Julie A. Theriot

Julie A. Theriot

University of Washington (USA)

© Gretchen Ertl/Whitehead Institute

Jonathan Weissman

Jonathan Weissman

Whitehead Institute at MIT | Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA)


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees supports the Institute and fosters links between the public and the MPI-CBG. The members of the Board of Trustees are representatives from local politics, industry, science, and the media, and they are appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society. The board meets once a year at the institute, and the Managing Director reports about news, outreach activities, and the latest developments in general.

© David Pinzer

Marion Ackermann

Dirk Birgel

© Martin Förster

Sebastian Gemkow

© Michael Schmidt

Dirk Hilbert

Dirk Hilbert

Lord Mayor of Dresden

© Sparkasse

Joachim Hoof

© Leibniz Gesellschaft

Matthias Kleiner

Matthias Kleiner

Leibniz Association

© Steffen Giersch

Geert Mackenroth


Michael Madeja

© Robert Lohse

Ursula M. Staudinger

Ursula M. Staudinger

Technische Universität Dresden

© BLEND3 Frank Graetz

Bettina Voßberg

Bettina Voßberg

Packwell Schwepnitz

© Helmholtz Gesellschaft, David Ausserhofer

Otmar Wiestler

Otmar Wiestler

Helmholtz Association


Wilhelm Zörgiebel

Wilhelm Zörgiebel

Grundbesitz Hellerau GmbH