Mass Spectrometry at Dresdner Campus: A Road Map

MS Community Dresden:

The MS Community provides support to biological and clinical research projects carried at the Campus. It comprises MS-Facilities and MS-research groups from the MPI CBG, UKD, CMCB (TUD), CRTD and NCT, and Lipotype GmbH. The sites host more than 20 high-end MS instruments and have expertise in MS-based Lipidomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics. We work on service base and open for research collaborations. To our activities belong regular meetings, organization of ms-events, MS journal club and scientific consulting.

Events schedule


Lab Shevchenko traditional VII Omics Flash Talk Symposium "XMass Updates"
Date: December 3rd 2024, Hybrid Format
Zoom: tba
In-person location: Dresden Campus, CSBD bldg, Top Floor auditorium
Everybody is welcome!


The Lipidomics Webinar 13
Speaker: Dr.Olga Vvedenskaya (Lipotype, Dresden)
Titles: Lipidomics and lipids in neuroscience
Date: Oct 24th 2024, 5:00 pm CET
Duration: 30 min + Q&A after the talk
Registration: Free Registration Link
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Moderator: Marc Gentzel (CMCB, TU Dresden)
Topic: "Summer Digest" - review of selected research articles published this summer
Date: Sept 24th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, Zoom
Meeting ID: 631 1324 7765  Passcode: 038665
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Technology Seminar
Speaker: Raymond Gochuico (Opentrons Inc) & Jutta Frank-Becker (I&L Biosystems GmbH)
Topic: Presentation of Opentrons Flex ™ Lab Robot
Date: Sept 10th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, Zoom
Meeting ID: 681 8195 9441  Passcode: 139361
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Dr. Eduard Sabido, CRG Barcelona
Topic: Presentation of QSample - new software for automated control of LC-MS/MS data quality in sample batches 
Date: July 16th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, Zoom
Meeting ID: 632 5074 0632 Passcode: 155509
Everybody is welcome!

MS Journal Club
Speaker: Ignacy Rzagalinski, MPI-CBG
Titles: Targeted proteomics assays in biofluids using the new Stellar mass spectrometer
Date: July 2nd 2024, 2:00 pm CET, in person
Location: MPI-CBG Gallery
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Dr. Angie Mc Ardle, Co-founder
Titles: Translating Proteomic Markers into Clinical Practice?
Date: June 18th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, on-line
Meeting ID: 627 7578 4188 Passcode: 587993
Everybody is welcome!

Extraordinary MS Community Technology Seminar with Evosep (in-person)
Host: Lab Shevchenko
Speakers: Dr. Britta Diedrich (Sales DACH) and Djordje Vasiljevic (Product specialist), Evosep
Titles: Introduction to EvosepOne technology
Date: June 5th (Wed), 2pm CET
Location: MPI-CBG Pfotenhauerstrasse 108 Dresden, Gallery I (second floor)

ZML seminar (in-person)
Speaker: Dr. Itay Budin, UCSD
Titles: The private lives of lipids: imaging membrane composition in cells & deciphering its adaption to extremes of deep-sea
Date: May 27th, 3pm CET
Location: BioZ Dresden, 5th floor
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Dr. Agnes Toth-Petroczy, MPI-CBG
Titles: Transcriptional and translational stop codon miscoding
Date: May 23rd (Thu) 2024, 2:00 pm CET. Hybrid format!
In-person: CSBD Bld TopFloor; Zoom:
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Dr. Mukesh Kumar - First Author Presents!
Titles: Interplay between lipidome and proteome and its impact on fly eye structure and function
Date: April 23rd 2024, 2:00 pm CET
Everybody is welcome!

12 Lipotype Lipidomics Webinar
Speaker: Dr. Mathias Gerl
Duration: 30 min + Q&A after the talk
Titles: How to deal with lipidomics data?
Date: April 23rd, 5pm CET
Free registration:
Everybody is welcome!

Joint session Mass Spec and MPI Membrane Journal Clubs
Speakers: Swantje Lenz and Alexander von Appen, MPI-CBG Dresden
Topic: Cross-linking Mass Spectrmetry approach (XL-MS) for biologists
Date: (Wed) April 17th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, HYBRID format
Virtual: Zoom
In-person location: Seminar Room 1, MPI-CBG, Pfotenhauerstrasse 108 Dresden
Everybody is welcome!

ZML seminar (in-person)
Speaker: Dr.Anton Potapov, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde, Görlitz
Host: Prof. Maria Fedorova, ZML, TUD
Titles: Applications of the fatty acid analysis in ecology:understanding microbial communities & food webs
Date: April 12th, 10:30am CET
Location: CUBE Tatzberg 41, 01307 Dresden, SR B (E74) and SR C (E73)
Everybody is welcome!

MS Journal Club
Speakers: Marc Gentzel, Proteomics Core Facility, CMCB, Dresden
Titles: Organoids, the major new biological model system? (Prote-) Omic Analysis
Date: March 19th 2pm CET Zoom
Everybody is welcome!

MS Journal Club
Speakers: Henrik Thomas and Jonas Poehls, MPI-CBG/CSBD
Titles: De-novo peptide sequence prediction - what's new?
Date: February 20th 2024, 2:00 pm CET, IN-PERSON
Meeting location: CSBD bldg, Top Floor SR
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Sider Penkov, Fedorova Lab, ZML, TU Dresden
Titles: LiLa - lipid annotation workflow for lung tissue lipidomics
Date: February 13th 2024, 2:00 pm CET
Meeting ID: 689 1457 2030 Passcode: 058557
Everybody is welcome!

MS Community Journal Club
Speaker: Mirko Peitzsch, Clinical Metabolomics Unit, IKL, TU Dresden
Titles: Characterization of the Human Exposome by Quantitative Metabolomics Platform
Date: Jan 23rd 2024, 2:00 pm CET
Meeting ID: 669 0882 0123 Passcode: 590730
Everybody is welcome!


November 2024

  • November 25-27th Dresden MS Community is attending Core4Life Annual Technology Forum hosted by ETH, Zurich. Experimental MS Unit (Dresden Uni Hospital) and Shevchenko Lab (MPI-CBG) take part in metabolomics and proteomics WG.

October 2024

  • October 20-24th Dresden MS Community is attending HUPO World Congress which takes place in our hometown Dresden. Shevchenko Lab (MPI-CBG) and MALDI Imaging Unit (NCT TUD) will present their proteomics research, altogether seven posters and an oral. As a part of C4L Proteomics Initiative we participate in organisation of pre-conf workshop.
  • Congratulations to Vannur Garikapati (Lab Shevchenko) on receiving ILS Early Career travel Award! Vannur will present his research on the 3rd ILS Conference in Shenzhen, China, 24-27th October. ;

September 2024

  • September 1-4th Dresden MS Community took part in Lipidomics Forum-2024 hosted this year by Forschungszentrum Borstel, Germany. Vannur Garikapati (Shevchenko Lab, MPI-CBG) gave oral presentation of his research project and Lipotype GmbH sponsored traditional Lipidomics Forum Award for Young Academics.

MS Journal Club for Users (MS4U)

MS4U was launched in 2020 to build a bridge between MS Community and scientists working in biological and clinical research at Dresdner campus. Here we discuss articles selected by YOU.
You found a hot paper related to your scientific topic but...
- do not understand ms-method?
- unsure if it fosters YOUR project?
- unclear if this is routine or only runs in a single lab?
- and, how it practically works?
Once you suggest an article or topic, we will look for complementary articles published by leading practitioners in this field and then analyze them together with you. MS-Lipidomics, MS-proteomics, MS-metabolomics, MS-imaging, any MS - let's discuss it with MS-Profis from the entire Dresden campus!
Submit YOUR HOT PAPER suggestion by

The JC rules are the following:

  1. The assigned person choses the paper in advance and sends it around, but does not present it.
  2. Most importantly, Everyone Reads the Paper!
  3. Starting person (randomly chosen) describes (questiones, criticizes) the first figure/paragraph/topic, and all together we try to figure out what authors wanted to say. The second person (randomly chosen) describes the second figure and so on.
  4. Please come if you read the paper.
  5. If you bring your colleagues or friends, make sure that they are aware of the rules.