Our team at MPI-CBG

Gene Myers


Gene Myers

+49 351 210-1900

Reni Schimmel

PhD Program Assistant & International Officer

Reni Schimmel

PhD Program Assistant & International Officer
+49 351 210-2440

Job Opportunities

PhD students
Students interested in a PhD project in the Meyers group are encouraged to apply to the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevoSys). Please check the list of recruiting group leaders for information on who currently offers a PhD position and the deadline for application.

Also, we are supporting fellowship applications of outstanding postdoctoral researchers who wish to join our lab. This may either be through third party funding organizations (Humboldt foundation, DAAD, etc.), or through an ELBE postdoc fellowship by the Max Planck Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD).

International researchers are particularly encouraged to get in touch.