Grants at the MPI-CBG

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Ian Seim

Studying short-lived condensates in the cell cortex, a fine network of filaments below the cell membrane.

GSCN 2024 Young Investigator Award for Claudia Gerri

The 2024 Awards of the German Stem Cell Network recognize outstanding stem cell researchers.

Prestigious funding to understand the regeneration of jellyfish

HFSP Program Grant Award for Carl Modes and collaborators

Two ERC Starting Grants for MPI-CBG research group leaders

Agnes Toth-Petroczy and Alexander von Appen receive funds to launch their own projects.

Proof of Concept Grant for André Nadler

Funding from the European Research Council (ERC) to bridge gap between frontier research and practical application.

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Dollie LaJoie

Bridging biochemistry and cell biology

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for transcellular transport

Hendrik Sikkema receives prestigious fellowship

Two ERC Consolidator Grants

European Research Council funds projects for Meritxell Huch and Dora Tang

The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group announces collaborative projects

Alf Honigmann, Meritxell Huch and André Nadler are new Allen Distinguished Investigators.

Heineman Project Grant for MPI-CBG and Weizmann Institute of Science cooperation

The Heineman Stiftung funds two projects to further strenghten the German-Israeli scientific cooperation

ERC Consolidator Grant for Jan Brugués

Funding to understand emergent physical properties of chromatin using synthetic nuclei

Prestigious funding for bridging biophysics and evolution

HFSP Program Grant Award for Pavel Tomancak and his collaborative team

Funding for gene regulation in nuclear space

ERC Consolidator Grant for Nadine Vastenhouw

Energetics of Biological Systems

Future MPI-CBG research group leader Jonathan Rodenfels receives ERC Starting Grant

Synthetic Tissue in 3D

Volkswagen Foundation grants research project on 3D tissue shapes

Funding for innovative ideas and frontier research

European Research Council’s Advanced Grant to Pavel Tomancak

Structure and function of biological membranes

HFSP Program Grant Award for Marino Zerial

ERC Starting Grant for Moritz Kreysing to create GHOSTs

Uncovering the genetic basis of tissue transparency

Humboldt and EMBO Fellowships to Steve Briscoe

Expansion of the mammalian neocortex during development and evolution

Funding for outstanding Research on Cilium and Retina

Gaia Pigino and Caren Norden receive ERC Consolidator Grants

Igniting the spark of life

Volkswagen Foundation grants research project on the beginning of life