Current Lab Members

Pierre Haas

Group Leader

Pierre Haas

Group Leader
+49 351 210-2900

Matthew Bovyn

ELBE-Postdoc Zerial/Haas

Matthew Bovyn

ELBE-Postdoc Zerial/Haas
+49 351 210-1934

Guha Ray Chandraniva


Guha Ray Chandraniva


Maryam Setoudeh


Maryam Setoudeh


Vivek Raj Singh

Bachelor Student

Vivek Raj Singh

Bachelor Student

Shiheng Zhao

Guest student

Shiheng Zhao

Guest student

Join us!

Our group Self-Organization of Multicellular Systems is a joint research group between the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), based at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD).

We are interested in deriving the continuum theories that represent the rich mechanical behaviour of tissues during development and thus allow understanding how robust development is compatible with mechanical constraints and biological variability.

We are theorists, but we work in close collaboration with experimental groups in Dresden and beyond.

If you would like to join our group, please contact the group leader, Pierre Haas [haas at mpi-cbg dot de] in the first instance to discuss possible research projects.

Postdoctoral positions

Postdoctoral positions in theoretical biophysics are available in our group. Candidates are expected to hold or be about to complete a PhD degree in biophysics, applied mathematics, mathematical biology, theoretical physics, or related fields. and should have a strong track-record of research.

Applications should be submitted to the Visitors' Programme of MPI-PKS. Applications are considered at meetings of the scientific commitee at different times during the year.

We also support fellowship applications of outstanding postdoctoral researchers who wish to join our group, both for third-party funded postdoctoral fellowships, or an ELBE postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden. (Applications for ELBE fellowships are assessed twice yearly.)