The gay gene?

Homosexuality and the nature or nurture question

For many years, scientists have been discussing whether homosexuality is encoded in our genome or caused by environmental factors. In the fruit fly Drosophila, special genes have been discovered which suddenly make male flies become interested in the same sex. Additionally, in humans, genes on the X-chromosom have been described which might play a role in our sexual orientation. Does this mean that our sexual interest is predetermined? Are we forced by our genes?

But what about the environment? A large study involving twins showed that events during pregnancy, the family surrounding and even the number of older brothers are predominantly decisive for the sexual orientation later in life.

How come homosexuality exists? And how much can we influence it? Discuss this with our experts

Morena Gutte, GEREDE – homo, bi und trans e.V.
Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Voß, Europa Universität Viadrina

4 December 2012, 20:00
Groovestation, Katharinenstr. 11-13

A Science Café is a casual, informal event on science & society related topics – with experts and the lay public on one level. There is no panel, but experts sit down with you and discuss your views, ideas, and questions. So come and tell us what you think!

The Science Café is a co-operation of the Dresden Forum on Science and Society with the Dresden club GrooveStation.