I can resist everything except temptation

Science Café on addiction

The next Science Cafe will be on 7 October 2014 at 20:00 at the GrooveStation Dresden. Let us know what you think and ask your questions in one to one table discussions.

Alcohol, drugs, computer games, work - there are many things that you can get addicted to. But what are the underlying mechanisms that make someone a dependent person? When does mere consumption turn into the abuse of a substance? Why are some people more likely to get addicted than others? What impact has a dependency on your social life? What can you do to escape the vicious circle?

our guests:
Dr. Kristin Ferse, drug commissioner of the city of Dresden
Detlef Lenk, police officer
Uwe Wicha, rehab clinic Großrückerswalde
Dr. Ulrich Zimmermann, researcher and medical doctor, Uniklinik Dresden
