Gene-editing with a genetic scalpel

Science Café on CRISPR–Cas9

5 April 2016, 8pm
SCIENCE CAFÉ: Gene-editing with a genetic scalpel
GrooveStation Dresden (Katharinenstr. 11-13)

"There is no shortage of optimism about the scientific potential of CRISPR–Cas9, a technique that can precisely alter the genomes of everything from wheat to elephants", as an article in NATURE states. How exactly does this new technique work? How does it change the lab routine? What are potential applications in medicine? And what are the ethical implications?

The Science Café Dresden offers casual one-on-one discussions with experts over a beer or coffee - you can ask your questions and join the discussion!

These experts will be available for discussion:
- Dr. Stefan Hans (postdoc at the Biotec Center, TU Dresden)
- Dr. Jifeng Fei (postdoc at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden)
- Prof. Dr. Frank Buchholz (Medical Systems Biology, TU Dresden, MPI-CBG Fellow)
- Dr. Rayk Behrendt (postdoc at the Medical Faculty, TU Dresden)