Come and tell us what you think!

Science Cafe: Do you want to live forever?

A Science Café is meant to be a casual, informal event on science & society-related topics – with experts and the lay public on one level. There is no panel, but experts sit down with you and discuss your views, ideas, and questions. So come and tell us what you think!

The March sessions asks:
Do you want to live forever?

To live forever is one of the oldest dreams of mankind. A dream come true quite soon? Or rather a dystopia, an empty promise? What can science do, how far can science go, how far should it go? How can to live longer also imply to live better? What are the challenges for a society? These are a few of the aspects we will discuss – plus all your questions!

6 March 2012, 20:00
GrooveStation Dresden (Katharinenstr. 11-13)
free admission

These experts will be available for discussion:
PD Dr. Ulrich Schuler, UniversitätsPalliativCentrum
Prof. Teymuras Kurzchalia, MPI-CBG
Dr. Eberhard Lampeter, Vita34
Ulrich Braun, Medical Ethics TU Dresden