Library Rules

1) Purpose and task of the library

The library collects all kind of media related to the research assignment of the institute and makes this information available to all members of the institute.  The library homepage provides information about current services.

2) Users and opening hours

Members of the institute are allowed to use the library 24 hours 7 days a week with their institute card.

Members of Technical University Dresden and other universities and scientific institutions who work with science and teaching are allowed to use the library as guests during the regular opening hours after consultation with the librarian.  They must accept the library rules and sign in each time they visit.

Guests are not allowed to borrow materials.

Opening hours with library staff are:
    Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

3) Library Registration

New members of the institute must register with the library and receive library use instructions. They must provide their name, group leader name, and their institute card number for registration into the electronic check-out system. Their institute card is also their library card for borrowing books.

4) Borrowing rules

All members of the institute have borrowing privileges. All users need their institute card to use the self service-computerized loan system. Only books can be borrowed (no journals or newspapers). The loan period is 4 weeks with a two time renewal option if no other user has reserved the book. If the computerized system is not functioning, printed check-out forms are available. When returning the book to the library, the user should check it back in via the computerized system and leave the book in the shelf behind the check out system (marked “Returned Books”). Users should not reshelf books. 

Users are not allowed to remove bounded or unbounded journals from the library. Copiers and scanners are available to copy needed journal articles. 

All borrowed media must be returned to the library staff when leaving the institute. Borrowed media cannot be loaned to a third party. 

5) Interlibrary loan 

Literature and materials which are not available can be ordered via MPI-CBG library from other libraries. The relevant order forms can be found at the library home page. 

Interlibrary loan books must be returned by the end of the loan period, otherwise a late fee is charged. 

6) Book suggestions to the library 

We welcome suggestions from users with regards to titles which should be acquired and additional journals which should be subscribed to. Please fill in the book suggestion form on the library homepage, have your group leader sign it, and return the form to the library. The library committee will then decide whether or not to buy it. 

7) Access to databases and electronic journals 

Via the library homepage, users have access to various databases and online journals that the library or the Max Planck Society has licensed. The following rules apply to this access: 

  • Access is allowed only for members of the institute.
  • Saving and printing text articles is allowed only for personal or scientific use.
  • Systematic download of articles or search results is forbidden.
  • Users are not allowed to give full text articles to a third party.
  • Users should read the publishers terms and conditions before downloading.

8) Liability 

Users should take care not to damage or lose borrowed media. It is not allowed to write notes into print media. The library staff should be informed of damaged media. 

Users are responsible for damaged or lost media and must pay for damages. 

In case of duplication users bear the sole responsibility for the protection of and compliance with copyrights, personal rights and other rights. 

9) Thesis, Diploma 

Honours thesis or PhD thesis writers should provide the library with a printed or electronic copy of their work. 

10) Safety 

  • No eating, drinking or smoking in the library.
  • No mobile phone use.
  • No loud conversation
  • All belongings and reference materials must be removed from the tables or cubicles each day.
  • Windows in cubicles must be closed after use.

11) Agreement 

All library users receive a copy of these library rules. She / he complies to these rules with her / his signature. Any contravention / violation of these library rules will result in the user being sent out. In the case of a repeated violation of the rules, the user can be expelled permanently from using the library. 

The most recent copy can be found on the library homepage. 

The rules are effective January 30, 2005 

Prof. Kai Simons
Executive Director
MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics