The Dresden – Bangalore Connection

International Lipid Research Center meeting in Dresden

Photo: MPI-CBG

The MPI-CBG hosted the “Joint Annual Meeting of the Indo-German Max Planck Center on Lipid Research and Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 83” on 16 and 17 December 2019.
The Indo-German Max Planck Center on Lipid Research is a collaboration of the MPI-CBG with the National Centre of Biological Sciences (NCBS) and the Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) in Bangalore, India. The center is involved in the biochemical and biophysical analysis of biological membranes and the genetic analysis of lipid metabolic processes in various animal model systems.

Scientists from the NCBS/InStem in Bangalore (India), the collaborative DFG Research Centre SFB TRR83 and the MPI-CBG came together to discuss the latest innovations in the field of lipid and membrane research. The researchers discussed in particular the role of lipids in metabolism, membrane organization, organelle function and their relevance to human diseases. In addition to scientific presentations and discussions, the future strategy of the Center was outlined. The strengthening of synergies between the German and the Indian campus as well as the future scientific orientation was defined. The next annual meeting will take place in 2021 at NCBS/inStem in Bangalore.