Science in a chapel

DRESDEN-concept Science Slam

It takes at least a torrential, apocalyptic thunderstorm to discourage DRESDEN-concept scientists from slamming. On 2 July at 6pm the Open Air Science Slam *reloaded* will take place in the chapel of the Dresden Residence Castle. Important information for all soccer fans: The slam will have scored all its science topics in time, well before the kick-off of the quarter final of the Euro 2016.

The initial Science Slam scheduled for 23 May had to be cancelled for security reasons during a heavy thunderstorm over Dresden. Now this time, four slammers from four nations will present their research results in German or English. The audience will choose the winner of this science slam. We will keep our fingers crossed for two slammers from the MPI-CBG: Anna Bajur (Poland) from the Knust Lab on cell polarity, and James Cleland (Australia) from the Rink Lab on regeneration.

This Science Slam is a cooperative project of the DRESDEN-concept partners. DRESDEN-concept is an alliance of 22 research institutions from the world of science and culture. Please register by sending an email with the subject line “Anmeldung Science Slam” and the desired number of seats to presse(at)