Science Cafe: The Übermensch - a possibility?

The pros and cons of prenatal diagnosis

A Science Café is meant to be a casual, informal event on science & society-related topics – with experts and the lay public on one level. There is no panel, but experts sit down with you and discuss your views, ideas, and questions. So come and tell us what you think!

The September session asks:

The Übermensch - a possibility?

Modern medicine provides us with increasing opportunities to interfere with the creation of life – we can design the perfect baby! Genetic disorders are now routinely detected early on in pregnancy. Prenatal diagnosis can already spot neural tube defects, heart defects and trisomy (Down syndrome). Prenatal diagnosis can also be used to identify the baby’s gender and screen for genes that might determine intelligence or predisposition for alcoholism and mental problems. Nowadays a simple blood test from the pregnant mother allows us to determine the genetic code of the baby. Unraveling the information hidden in the genetic code can allow you to check for just about anything you want – including eye and hair color.

Do we want this information? Is it ethically OK to collect these data? What’s the chance that this knowledge is misused? What do you think? You are welcome to join the discussion - come and tell us what you think!

25 September 2012, 20:00

GrooveStation Dresden (Katharinenstr. 11-13)
free admission

These experts will be available for discussion:

Evelin Schröck, Clinical Genetics
Jörg Michel, Bioethics
Pauline Wimberger, Gynecology and Obstetrics

The Science Café is a co-operation of the Dresden Forum on Science and Society with the Dresden club GrooveStation.