Retina Day

Talks, presentations, and discussion on research on retinal degeneration

You are cordially invited to join the 4th Retina Day. This event on 10 November 2012 offers talks and information on retinal degeneration and related topics from 10:00-15:00 at the CRTD Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (Fetscherstraße 105).

We offer a guide service for visually impaired and blind people.
Please contact Katrin Boes (CRTD), 0351-4588 2062


10.00 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Hans Müller-Steinhagen (Rektor Dresden University of Technology) and Franz Badura (PRO RETINA Deutschland e.V.)

10.20 Prof. Dr. Jochen Guck (BIOTEC): Das Märchen von der transparenten Retina

10.40 Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Knust (MPI-CBG): Tiermodelle in der Netzhautforschung

11.00 Dr. Robert Wilke 
(Krankenhaus Dresden-Friedrichstadt): tba

11.20 Prof. Dr. Lutz E. Pillunat (UKD): Glaukom/“Grüner Star” - Die schleichende Erblindung

11.40 Gretel Schmitz-Moormann (PRO RETINA Deutschland e.V.): Netzhautdegeneration - was kann PRO RETINA Deutschland e.V. als Selbsthilfeorganisation leisten?”

12.00 lunch break

13.00-14.00 Q & A session Ask your questions on retinal degeneration to researchers, medical doctors, or members of the support group PRO RETINA e.V. 

10.00 - 15.00 info desks

CRTD: A walk-through eye See the world like retina patients see it

PRO RETINA Deutschland e.V.: info on the support group

SFZ Förderzentrum gGmbH: info on visual aids

Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus: info on the ophthalmology hospital

Mesentech: stem cells as potential cure for retinal degeneration