© Franziska Friedrich / MPI-CBG
Wieland Huttner, Director Emeritus at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden, participated in the Dresden Seniors Academy summer term and gave a lecture on September 14th, 2023, at the German Hygiene Museum (Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden) titled “Human-Specific Genes and Gene Mutations: The Development and Evolution of the Human Brain.”
The Seniors' Academy is aimed at retirees in Dresden and the surrounding area who can enroll and attend lectures and seminars at partnering institutes. Since 2003, the MPI-CBG has been hosting a seminar series called “Microcosm Cell.”
Following the summer term, the MPI-CBG will be part of the Dresden Senior’s Academy's upcoming winter term again. The talks are a perfect chance for our postdocs and predocs to learn the basics of science communication by giving a talk in front of a non-scientific audience.
All lectures will be held in German and take place from 14:30–15:30 pm in the MPI-CBG Auditorium on the dates listed below.
Everybody is welcome!
07 November 2023
Dr. Benedikt Kuhn
Klein, aber fein – Nanobodies aus Kamelen
Small but mighty - nanobodies from camels
30 January 2024
Alison Kickuth
Zellteilung ist mehr als nur Biologie
Cell division is more than just biology
27 February 2024
Sasha Degtyareva
“Sein oder nicht sein?” oder wie Zellen über ihr Schicksal entscheiden
“To be or not to be” or how cells decide their fate