How do cells make energy?

HFSP Program Grant Award for Anthony Hyman

MPI-CBG director Anthony Hyman has been awarded the highly prestigious and competitive Program Grant Award of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). Hyman will share his award with Daniel A. Colón-Ramos (Yale School of Medicine). Their joint project “Phase separation of glycolytic machinery as a fundamental mechanism in energy metabolism” addresses glycolysis as a fundamental energy metabolic pathway. The aim is to understand how glycolytic enzymes, which form functional complexes to sustain the rates of glycolysis, are organized in cells to sustain local energy metabolism. The main challenge lays in the ability to both examine the localization of the glycolytic enzymes in living cells, while understanding the biophysical and biochemical mechanisms of their association and its implications in cellular physiology.   

The HFSP is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) will support over the coming 3 years the top 4% of the HFSP Research Grant applications with $ 35 million. The 34 winning teams of the 2019 competition for the Research Grants went through a rigorous year-long selection process in a global competition that started with 814 submitted letters of intent involving scientists with their laboratories in more than 60 different countries. This year,  25 Program Grants were selected for funding. Each team member receives on average $110,000 - $125,000 per year for 3 years.

Congratulations to all 2019 winners!