Experiments, movies, theatre, talks

1,800 visitors during Science Night

Amazing - even after 11 years, so many people came to see what we do: 1,800 people visited the MPI-CBG during Dresden Science Night (Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften), listened to talks, discussed with scientists, learned and understood.

187 visitors guessed the number of flies in a huge glass beaker. The exact number of flying flies was 9,259. Congratulations to Fabian and Anke Berger, Stefan Michel, Lena Rohmann, and Angelika Wendland - they are the winners of a Dresden Family Card.

A huge thank-you to everybody who supported the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften at the MPI-CBG and helped offer this important event to the public.

The Dresden Science Night 2014 will be on July 4.

You can take your time and watch the movies shown at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften again - just go to the MPI-CBG YouTube channel.