60 years of the double helix

"History of Science" talk

The latest program from the Science & Society seminar series is a concept called “The History of Science”. Very often, the daily routine at the bench prevents us to see the broader concepts: “Looking at the history of science will help to provide the bigger picture,” says Elisabeth Knust, director at the MPI-CBG and initiator of the new seminar series.

The program kicks off on 26 April 2013 at 18:00 in the MPI-CBG Auditorium. The event will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Watson & Crick discovery of the structure of the DNA, with a screening of “Life Story: The Race for the Double Helix”, a 1987 dramatization of the discovery.

Introduction into the movie, importance of the data achieved by X-ray crystallography and the often-neglected contribution by Rosalind Franklin, and the further impact of the publication will be given by Karla Neugebauer and Joe Howard.

All are welcome!