2 scientists on stage

2 im All: A fun night with games and discussions

We'll beam you to the stars: At the Radebeul Observatory, "2 im All" will bring together cell biologist <link en research-groups current-groups elisabeth-knust group-leader _blank internal-link internal link in current>Elisabeth Knust, director at the MPI-CBG, and TU Dresden's Rector Hans Müller-Steinhagen. You will hear about their research, but also about their views, their lives, their hobbies. So this is a chance to get to know the people who do and manage science, and it's a fun night with loads of games and music.

7 September 2016, 8PM
Sternwarte Radebeul
(Auf den Ebenbergen 10a)

You can buy tickets for this event via phone (+49 351–830 5905) or via mail mail(at)sternwarte-radebeul.de
Tickets are 8 EUR (reduced price: 5 EUR).
