Imaging at the BCF

Optical trapping

Optical trap screen saver

Optical trap writing

Optical trap pong game

Optical trap screen saver

Optical trap writing

DNA-coated beads

Force-dependent labeling of DNA

Rotation of a microtubule-coated bead


Nanoindentation of a gastruloid

Nanoindentation of soft samples


Micropatterning on a fluorescent coverslide

Micropatterning of TEM grids

Light sheet microscopy

Pollen grain actin


C. elegans embryo

3-D reconstruction of endosomes (green) and mitochondria (red) in a HeLa cell

Zebrafish mitosis

Drosophila embryo, His-RFP

C. elegans embryo, His-GFP βTub-GFP

Insulin granules

Zebrafish brain acute manipulation. Ras-GFP

Bryozoan larva

Custom optics