A microsphere is moved with optical tweezers by a well-defined pattern. Movie by Michael Bugiel (BCF)
Optical trap writing
Controlled manipulation of a microsphere for writing. Movie by Michael Bugiel (BCF)
Optical trap pong game
Using a dual optical trap to play 'pong' with two beads. Video by Michael Bugiel (BCF)
Optical trap screen saver
Minimum projection of moving bead with optical tweezers.
Optical trap writing
Controlled manipulation of a microsphere for writing. Movie by Michael Bugiel (BCF)
DNA-coated beads
Widefield fluorescence imaging of optically trapped, DNA-coated beads. Image by Franziska Lesche (Brugues group)
Force-dependent labeling of DNA
Widefield fluorescence imaging of DNA which is optically trapped with two beads. At higher loads, more sytox dye binds to the DNA. Movie by Pranay Mandal (Grill group)
Rotation of a microtubule-coated bead
Widefield fluorescent imaging of an optically trapped, microtubule-coated beadthat rotates under flow. Movie by Serapion Pyrpassopoulos (Schaeffer group, University of Tuebingen)
Nanoindentation of a gastruloid
Indenting a gastruloid with 26 um sphere. Image by Marc Trani (Veenvliet group).
Nanoindentation of soft samples
Nanoindenter measurement with indentation, relaxation, and retraction. Sample by Niyousha Baboli (Tabler group).
Micropatterning on a fluorescent coverslide
“Writing” the MPI logo by micropatterning on a fluorescent coverslide. Image by M. Bugiel (BCF)
Micropatterning of TEM grids
Selective passivation of PEGylated TEM grids by micropatterning, visualized by GFP binding. Image by Petra Kiesel (von Appen group)
Light sheet microscopy
Pollen grain actin
Structured illumination, sample by Jurai Sekereš
XWing scope, movie by Robert Haase (Myers group), sample by Mangal Prakash (Jug group)
C. elegans embryo
Lattice lightsheet, max. projection. Movie by Okafornta William (Müller-Reichert group)
3-D reconstruction of endosomes (green) and mitochondria (red) in a HeLa cell
Lattice lightsheet. Fosheng Hsu (Zerial group)
Zebrafish mitosis
Lattice lightsheet. Maximum projection of an histone-GFP labeled zebrafish embryo.
Drosophila embryo, His-RFP
XWing scope, movie by Robert Haase (Myers group)
C. elegans embryo, His-GFP βTub-GFP
Bessel SPIM, movie by Loïc Royer
Insulin granules
Lattice lightsheet (max projection), 3 volumes/second. Movie by Andreas Müller (Solimena group)
Zebrafish brain acute manipulation. Ras-GFP
Bessel SPIM. Ablation: 920 nm, 500 mW, Ti:Sa laser. Sample by Jaroslav Icha, Imaging by Kei Murata