Getting started

Whatever you plan experimental to do with mice, please use our support. We have a wide range of technologies to create mutant mice. In case of mouse lines from outside, we import from breeding companies or collaborative Institutions or Universities using cryopreserved gametes where possible. We push the 3 R's in all aspects of scientific work with animals and also help in planning specific mouse populations.

Operational model

The TCF is the link between the BMS (animal husbandry) and the research groups. We advise on the generation of new mouse lines and generate them using the latest methods. We work very closely with the GEF (Genome Engineering Facility) and the Genotyping Facility to bring projects to a successful conclusion.

+49 351 210-2748

Max Planck Institute of Molecular
Cell Biology and Genetics
- Transgenic Core Facility -

Pfotenhauerstr. 108
01307 Dresden